Wednesday 25 April 2012

Who Wrote the Book of Love

Last Saturday I went to Liverpool to see the amazing giants, created by Royal de Luxe. I had been looking forward to going for some time, and it didn't disappoint - nothing like a piece of street theatre to bring people together, and it really was an extraordinary spectacle. I met up with my sister and my cousin. My cousin lives in Liverpool, and was able to take us through some unexpected twists and turns in our route to catch the Giants - the Little Girl, her uncle the Diver and the dog. Our walk took us past an old Banksy piece, discovered on a building being redeveloped somewhere near Chinatown. It took us down to Pier Head, and outside St George's Hall. As a Mancunian, I hadn't really appreciated the memories Liverpool holds for me. We went past the hotel where I had breakfast with Rockette Morton, after Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band played the stadium, promoted by Roger Eagle. I'd seen Sha Na Na there earlier the same year, and ended up living in a house and singing in a band managed by Roger as a result. The band was Drive In Rock and the Rockettes ,a 50s rock'n'roll revival band, and some of us are still around and in contact. We played the university circuit for a few years, and I have a recollection thet the Average White Band supported us in our hey day. We may simply have shared a bill, but it's a niggling memory. The Sea Odyssey event was about the Titanic disaster. There's a possibility that I am related to the Captain of the Carpathia, the first rescue ship on the scene.A young man gave me his seat on the packed train home. Conversation followed, which meandered through Titanic family connections - his great grandfather was stoker in Engine room 2 - through shaman stones in Finland, to music we both liked and a forthcoming Philip Glass concert he had tickets for. Somewhere in the conversation Roger Eagle was mentioned ( Eric's is legend in Liverpool), and I told him about Drive In Rock and AWB. His parent were friends with one of them. All that seemed coincidence enough. On the Sunday morning I lay in the bath, pondering on the meaning of life and the kind of amazing conversations travel and public transport can offer, ones that could never take place travelling solo in a car. And the Monotones 'Book of Love' came on the radio - one of our favourite Rockette numbers - I can still remember the harmonies and choreography!

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